Connecting Lead to My Reinvention
In the web of my life, I once thrived as a collegiate scholarship athlete, achieving the accolade of NCAA three-time All-American in softball. For two decades, the rhythm of my existence was set to the cadence of playing and coaching softball. It was more than a passion; it was everything. Yet, when the symphony was disrupted by injuries and the dissonance of high school politics, I found myself at an unexpected crossroads. The abrupt pause ushered in an identity crisis - without the roles of athlete or coach, who was I?
In the hiatus that followed, I grappled with this profound question. When I eventually decided to reenter the coaching arena, the landscape had shifted. My focus had evolved beyond the game itself; I became deeply interested in the personal challenges faced by the young women I coached. These challenges, I noticed, seeped into their performances on the field. A revelation struck me - there was a yearning for more than just tactical coaching. The young women craved connection, support, and a compassionate ear.
Thus began a transformative journey. Our weekly gatherings, which they affectionately termed "group therapy," transcended the confines of sports strategy. We sat in a circle, delving into their personal challenges. How could they play their best when wrestling with internal and interpersonal struggles? It became clear to me that addressing their emotional wounds was paramount. The teams flourished as the bonds grew stronger, and performances soared.
Motivated by a profound sense of responsibility, I undertook a new chapter of learning. Returning to school at the age of 39, I immersed myself in the study of psychology, earning my master's degree. This shift marked the transition from athletic coaching to establishing a private practice, dedicated to supporting individuals and groups on their journeys of healing, growth, and transformation.
The call to deepen my understanding beckoned once more, guiding me back to academia. At 45, I earned my doctorate in Humanistic and Clinical Psychology. Simultaneously, I became certified as a Family and Systemic Constellation Facilitator and a Psychedelic Integration Specialist. This multidimensional approach not only saved my quality of life but also became the focal point of my dissertation research: "Clients' Experiences with Family Constellations in Psychological Healing."
As I navigated my personal transformation and supported my children in their journey to adulthood, my energies shifted towards creating safe, sacred, and compassionate spaces for others to connect and initiate their healing processes. This metamorphosis strengthened my spirituality and relationships, and it is both an honor and a privilege to extend these opportunities to others. I eagerly anticipate the prospect of connecting with you, offering a space where healing begins and connections flourish.